Legal informations

The website is the sole propert of AKANTE.

45/1 avenue de Flandre
59290 Wasquehal, France

Tel : 03 20 90 34 18
Email :

SAS au capital de 100 000 €
Siret : 751 634 460 00024
Code APE : 4759A
Numéro de TVA : FR 70 751 634 460

This website is designed and hosted by
118 Avenue de la Liberté
Tel : 03 28 333 305
SIREN 754005148 (Lille Métropole)

Legal mentions
Akante offer this website to its clients or any person who wishes to inform himself on Akante products. The displayed products comply with the applicable regulations. Each product's file includes the product's dimensions, and finish. Akante makes every effort to ensure that the information provided on this site is accurate and regularly updated. Akante reserves itself the right to modify at any time the website's content without being held responsible. Akante can at any time improve and change products presented on The photos on the website are not contractual.

Akante can't be held responsible for the hypertext links directing to its website. Any person who wishes to use hyperlinks directing to the Akante website must first obtain the written permission from Akante.

Copyright and intellectual property law
The content present on this website (images, models, text...) is an original work protected in France and Europe by the intellectuall property code. Akante models are registered and protected throughout the European Union. This means that any reproduction or adaptation of content from is forbidden without the prior written consent from Akante. The Akante website may only be used, copied or downloaded for private purposes. Any infringment constitutes a counterfeit action that will expose the offender to penal and civil sanctions. Akante products have been registered with the INPI.

Personal information
Date collected by Akante is solely for Akante's use. You have the right to access, modify, change and delete date concerning you, in agreement with the conditions provided for by the law of 6 January 1978 ("Data Protection Act").
To do so, please contact

In accordance with the Law on Confidence in the Digital Economy (article 22 of June 2004), Akante subordinates the use of e-mail addresses to the prior consent of the persons concerned.
Akante complies with the General Data Protection Regulation.

Cookies and trackers
The Akante website uses cookies only to ensure the proper functionning of the website and improve user experience.
Akante uses no external cookies or tracers.
Akante doesn't share or sell collected data to any third party.

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